
Reflection: Student Service (Part 3).

Reflection Part 3: Student-Learning Service Project. The Civic Action Scorecard. Greetings, friends! This will be the final post in the project's reflection series. It will be brief and to the point in order to bring it to a satisfactory end. Many people will assume that this exercise is pointless and dull, but they are mistaken. This activity provided me with a wealth of information about the country in which I live, and I learned more about its achievements when I took the practical exam. This project provided me with a wealth of information and the guts to pursue citizenship, allowing me to study wherever I want without fear of having to abandon my studies halfway through. Yes, it was simple, but it was difficult for me since I had to think through my answers based on what I already knew, and thank God, I passed with flying colors. This assignment and course greatly aided me in determining the accomplishments I want to achieve in my life and in the future. Finally, whatever acti

Reflection: Student Service (Part 2).

Reflection Part 2: Student-Learning Service Project. The Civic Action Scorecard.   Greetings, friends! Part 2 of my reflection on my student service project is now here. As I mentioned in my previous post, this project was simple and enjoyable for me. It was quite useful in putting myself to the test to determine how much I knew about American history. My citizenship practice test results are satisfactory. I only got one question wrong, and it was about a battle that the US had fought years earlier. However, I believe that my results were in accord with what I already knew, which is why I am pleased with the outcome. Because I am still a resident, this activity can greatly assist me in becoming a US citizen. When deciding what career I want to pursue in the future, it would be easier and more accessible for me to become a citizen. I mention this because I want to study medicine in Canada, but I need to be an American citizen to do so, and they won't allow me study if I'm still

Reflection: Student Service (Part 1).

  Reflection: Student-Learning Service Project.   The Civic Action Scorecard. Greetings, friends! I was assigned a service-learning assignment in an SLS program at Miami Dade College about a week ago. And now I'd like to give you a brief reflection of the activity I chose. I decided to undertake a simple exercise that would be appropriate for the civic action scorecard. This activity has the potential to teach us about the United States. It might also help you review the questions asked during your citizenship interview if you are a resident of the United States who immigrated from another country.               I was anxious about taking it since it felt like a genuine test that I didn't want to fail. In actuality, the test only took me a few minutes to complete and consisted of only 20 questions. When we go to take an exam, even if it's a practice test and not a real one, I believe most of us become apprehensive and nervous. I thought taking a citizenship test would be t